******************************************************************************* HOW TO WRITE ASSIGNMENT REPORTS FOR ENSC 151: COVER PAGE: Title: Course Number: Spring 2000 Assignment Number: Student name: Tutorial Session: Name of the TA: Date: THE REMAINING PAGES should contain (try to be concise and brief): ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT: 1. State the assignment. METHOD (OR APPROACH): 1. State the most important aspect of the assignment. 2. Include a flowchart and/or high level pseudo-code. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Include items such as: 1. Summary. 2. What made it a non-trivial task. 3. What was the difficulty. 4. What were the different approaches to the solution. 5. What have you learned from the exercise. CODE LISTING: 1. List the code that can be run on the EVB to demonstrate its correctness. 2. Comment you code. Your comments should indicate the process, rather than merely state the description of the op-code. *******************************************************************************