******************************************************************************* PLEASE PROVIDE A HARD COPY OF YOUR REPORT, EVEN IF IT IS AVAILABLE ON THE WWW! ******************************************************************************* HOW TO WRITE FINAL PROJECT REPORTS FOR ENSC 151: (Cover page) ENSC 151 FINAL PROJECT Spring 2000 Project Title: TEAM's NAME Team's WWW page (if available) Students names and email addresses (Inside the report: Be brief and concise. Double-sided pages are acceptable.) 1. INTRODUCTION Describe the project idea, its scope, and what are you trying to accomplish. State the most important aspect of the project. This section should contain an overall, high-level description of your project. 2. HIGH LEVEL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT CODE Include description of the overall design, flowcharts for sections of the design, finite state machines for separate sections as needed, high level pseudo-code, and circuits schematics (if appropriate). 3. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Provide a short summary of the project. Describe what made it a non-trivial task and what were the difficulties. Suggest alternative approaches to the solution. Suggest improvements and future work. Describe briefly what you have learned from this exercise. 4. CONTRIBUTION OF THE TEAM MEMBERS List the tasks that each team member accomplished. Be precise and accurate. Each team member will be tested based on the parts of the project that they completed. APPENDIX: 1. USERS' MANUAL Tell us how to run demo of your project. Be precise and assume that a user of your final project (a game player, if your project is a game) would like to learn how to run it by reading ONCE this section of your report. It should be simple enough for a novice and a person who knows nothing about HC12 and ALTERA devices. 2. CODE LISTING List the code that can be run on the EVB to demonstrate its correctness. Comment you code. Your comments should indicate the process, rather than merely state the description of the op-code. *******************************************************************************