Spring 2019


  • Please run ns-3 and Riverbed Modeler on your own platforms.
    Note: Machines named "watt", "payette", "dogwood", "oak.fas.sfu.ca", and "dubmcane.fas.sfu.ca" have been decommissioned as remote access servers.
    Note about this web page:
    The tools listed here have been collected over a long period of time. They are listed in reverse chronological order.
    Please replace all references to remote access servers named:
    "payette", "dogwood", "oak.fas.sfu.ca", and "dubmcane.fas.sfu.ca"
    with "rcg-linux-ts1.rcg.sfu.ca", "rcg-linux-ts2.rcg.sfu.ca", or "rcg-linux-ts3.rcg.sfu.ca".
    Riverbed Modeler cannot be accessed remotely using "ensc-watt.ensc.sfu.ca".

  • In order to run Riverbed Modeler remotely, you will need to use tools that will enable you to open X-windows. There are several tools that will enable you to do so. The tools listed here will enable you to open X-windows. We will advise you of other tools that we may find in the future.


    Remote login from Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10
    Contributed by Syed Hamzah M. Rufai (srufai at sfu.ca)

    1. Download PUTTY (PuTTY is an SSH and telnet client for the Windows platform) and Xming (Xming is an X11 display server for Microsoft Windows operating systems, including Windows XP or later).
    2. In the PuTTY configuration window, type .watt.ensc.sfu.ca. in the "Host Name (or IP address)" field and set port to 22.
    3. Under "connection", click the "SSH" button in order to expand, click on .X11. option and then enable X11 forwarding.
    4. Click open in-order to run the terminal.
    5. When the terminal is running, enter your user name and password*.
    6. Setup your environment and change your directory to /ensc/apps/riverbed/18.0/sys/unix/bin .
    7. Enter ./modeler to run the Riverbed 18.0 remotely.

    * If your FAS login and password do not work, send an e-mail to gripe@fas.sfu.ca requesting access to Linux (CentOS) machines on campus.


    Remote login from Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Linux (Ubuntu)
    Contributed by Arshit Singh (arshits at sfu.ca)

    1. Download PUTTY and REALVNC viewer.
    2. In the PuTTY configuration window, type "rcg-linux-ts1.rcg.sfu.ca" in the "Host Name (or IP address)" field and set port to 22.
    3. Under "Protocol", click the "SSH" button and then click "Open".
    4. Run "vncserver" command to find the port where server expects your connection. (For the first time, you will be ask to type password and to verify it. You should run "vncserver" again to see the port.) Example: "rcg-linux-ts1:49". Note: This port is dedicated to you and you can always use it to connect to server. If you ran this command more than once and you have more than one dedicated port, you should kill all of them exept one that you need to connect to server. You can check (/ensc/grad1/[username]/.VNC) folder to see the ports that are dedicated to you. To kill extra ports, run "vncserver -kill :[portnumber]" in the putty window. This can help others get remote access to the server.
    5. Click on the top left corner of PuTTY window that is connected to "rcg-linux-ts1.rcg.sfu.ca" and Click on "Change Setting".
    6. In the "Category" window (left side of the PuTTY "Configuration window"), go to "Connection" -> "SSH" -> "Tunnels".
    7. Set "Source Port" to 5900 and Destination to "localhost:5949". In case the number was 49, 5949 means 5900+49. (The number will differ.) Click "Add" and then "OK".
    8. Run VNC Viewer and type "localhost" in "Server" field
    9. Type your password that you have used when you ran "vncserver" command for the first time
    10. Open file browser from applications -> system -> file browser
    11. Navigate to /ensc/apps/riverbed/18.0/sys/unix/bin
    13. Double click on "modeler" to run it.

    Remote login from Macintosh using XQuartz for MAC OS 10.7 and above
    Contributed by Samuel Chow (spc12 at sfu.ca)

    1. Download XQuartz from http://osxdaily.com/2012/12/02/x11-mac-os-x-xquartz/
    2. Open XQuartz located in the utilities folder
    3. Run XQuartz in bash and type "ssh yoursfuid@rcg-linux-ts2.rcg.sfu.ca -Y"
    4. Enter your password
    5. Change directory to /ensc/apps/riverbed/18.0/sys/unix/bin
    6. Type "./modeler"


    Running OPNET 14 remotely [Linux/Unix] without any tools :) Tested on Ubunto 10 and Fedora 14 and Sun Solaris 10
    Contributed by Nabil Al-Rousan (nalrousa at sfu.ca).

    1. open terminal
    2. ssh -v -l ComputingID payette.ensc.sfu.ca -X -C
    3. opnet -noxshm &

    -X Enables X11 forwarding
    -C Requests compression for forwarded X11 and TCP/IP connections
    -v Causes ssh to print debugging messages about its progress
    -l login_name
    -noxshm Disables grapihcs caching


    Remote login from windows machines using PUTTY and VNC viewer:
    Contributed by Reza Qarehbaghi (rqarehba at sfu.ca).

    Download PuTTY from: http://www.tartarus.org/~simon/putty-snapshots/x86/putty.exe and download VNC Viewer from: http://www.realvnc.com)

    1. Run PuTTY
    2. In the PuTTY configuration window type "dogwood.css.sfu.ca" in the "Host Name (or IP address)" field and set port to 22.
    3. Under "Protocol" click the "SSH" button and then click "Open".
    4. Run "vncserver" command to find the port where server expects your connection. (For the first time you will be ask to type password and to verify it. You should run "vncserver" again to see the port.) Example: "dogwood:49".
      Note: This port is dedicated to you and you can always use it to connect to server. If you ran this command more than once and you have more than one dedicated port, you should kill all of them exept one that you need to connect to server. You can check (/ensc/grad1/[username]/.VNC) folder to see the ports that are dedicated to you. To kill extra ports, run "vncserver -kill :[portnumber]" in the putty window. This can help others get remote access to the server.
    5. Click on the top left corner of PuTTY window that is connected to "dogwood.css.sfu.ca" and Click on "Change Setting".
    6. In the "Category" window (left side of the PuTTY "Configuration window"), go to "Connection" -> "SSH" -> "Tunnels".
    7. Set "Source Port" to 5900 and Destination to "localhost:5949". In case that the number was 49, 5949 means 5900+49. (The number will differ.) Click "Add" and then "OK".
    8. Run VNC Viewer and type "localhost" in "Server" field.
    9. Type your password that you have used when you ran "vncserver" command for the first time.
    10. Start a new terminal window from VNC window and type "ssh payette" to log to the system.
    11. If you already set up your environment, type "opnet".


    Remote login from Macintosh and X11
    Contributed by Duncan Chan (dchana at sfu.ca).

    1. Download X11 from Apple website
    2. Run X11 in bash, and type "ssh yoursfuid@payette.ensc.sfu.ca -Y"
    3. Log in
    4. Type "opnet &"


    Remote login from Linux machines using PUTTY:
    Contributed by Mohammad Reza Sahraei (mrs16 at sfu.ca) and Shervin Asgari Pour (saa34 at sfu.ca).

    If your local IP is a non-routable address (i.e., begins with 192.168.x.x), you may connect to the server. However, you will not be able to open X display to run OPNET. Try:

    1. Open a Linux console or terminal
    2. Install PUTTY, if it is not already installed (i.e., "sudo apt-get install putty" for Xubuntu Linux)
    3. Type putty
    4. In PUTTY Configuration GUI:
      1. Select Category -> Connection -> SSH -> X11
      2. Enable X11 forwarding
      3. Select Category -> Connection
      4. Select Enable TCP Keepalives
      5. Select Category -> Session
      6. Type payette.ensc.sfu.ca in both "Host Name" and "Saved Sessions" edit boxes
      7. Make sure the "Connection Type" is set to SSH
      8. Click on "Save" button to save the session for future access
      9. Click on "Open" button
    5. Type your login and password that you received via email
    6. Type opnet &
    7. To enable the digital clock, open a new terminal window
    8. Type "xclock -d -update 1"


    Using SSH secure shell client and VNC viewer:
    Contributed by Laxmi Subedi (lsa38 at cs.sfu.ca).

    Please also review the VNC documentation provided by the FAS Network Support Group.
    Note: Figure 8, Server: use "dogwood.fas.sfu.ca:0" or "dogwood.css.sfu.ca:0" if "localhost:0" fails.

    1. Download ssh secure shell client (for MS windows) from http://www.ssh.com and install it.
    2. Download free edition of vnc viewer from http://www.realvnc.com/.
    3. Login to dogwood.css.sfu.ca (host name), "your sfu id"(user name), 22 (port) via ssh secure shell client.
    4. To set up vnc viewer connection to ssh tunnel, follow the instruction from http://fas.sfu.ca/fasnet/doc/VNC_Solaris_update.pdf.
    5. Run OPNET remotely (Windows OS):
      a. Connect to dogwood.css.sfu.ca server via ssh.
      b. Open vnc.exe file. The vnc window will open.
      c. Open the terminal window from the VNC window. Type "ssh sfuid@payette.ensc.sfu.ca" in the same terminal window.
      d. Type "opnet".

    Using SSH secure shell client and Cygwin
    Contributed by Laxmi Subedi (lsa38 at cs.sfu.ca).
    1. Download ssh secure shell client (for MS windows) from http://www.ssh.com and install it.
    2. Download cygwin from http://www.cygwin.com/mirrors.html
    3. Run cygwin setup (setup.exe)
      a. Select install from internet
      b. Enter next, next, next until you reach screen with a message to chose a download site. Choose the fastest download site (e.g., http:// mirror.cpsc.ucalgary.ca).
      c. Enter next
      d. In "select package screen" scroll down and expand "net" to select openssh. It will automatically select openssl too. As you scroll down, you will see X11. Expand X11 and select xstartup.
      e. click next.
      Cygwin will be installed in your system.
    4. Run cygwin. In the bash type "startx". Three graphical windows will open.
    5. In one graphical window, type "ssh "yoursfuid"@payette.ensc.sfu.ca -Y". Remember to type -Y, otherwise the graphical window will not start. You can ssh to any server supporting OPNET and you have permission to login.
    6. In the same graphical window, type "opnet". OPNET will begin running on your machine.
    7. Repeat from Steps 4 to 7 every time you wish to use OPNET.

    Remote login from Linux machines:
    Contributed by Modupe Omueti (momueti at cs.sfu.ca).
    1. From the linux display screen, click on "system"
    2. From the system drop down menu, select "remote login". A list of hosts is displayed.
    3. From the list, select payette and click on "accept". This redirects you to the Sun Solaris login screen
    4. Enter your unix user name and password. The unix common environment desktop is displayed.
    5. Open a terminal window and run opnet command: opnet

    Linux Users:
    Instruction for running OPNET from a Linux machine running X Windows:
    Contributed by Savio Lau (savio at sfu.ca).

    If a machine has KDE or Gnome desktop, then it has X-windows.

    1. If the local machine has a firewall, expose TCP ports 6000-6009. Those ports are needed for the Remote X-link. This is not necessary from most UNIX stations in SFU.
    2. Open a terminal window.
    3. Run the following command (not necessary from SFU ENSC machines): "xhost payette.ensc.sfu.ca" - this assumes that payette is the OPNET server. This indicates that incoming X connections from payette.ensc.sfu.ca is trusted.
    4. ssh to payette.ensc.sfu.ca.
    5. Export the X display connection to the local machine by entering command: "setenv DISPLAY" where is the local machine's IP address.
    6. Run OPNET command: opnet &.

    MS Windows users:
    Two steps installation:
  • Setup for SSH (choose one): SSH Secure Shell, PUTTY, TTSSH.
  • Setup for X-windows (choose one): Exceed (2-month evaluation copy, 60 Mbytes), X-Win32 (1-month evaluation copy, 7 Mbytes), and Cygwin/Xfree86 (free and harder to install).
    First option (suggested): Using SSH Secure Shell and Exceed:
    Contributed by Wan Zeng (wgzeng at cs.sfu.ca).
    1. SSH Windows shell client is free: http://www.ssh.com.
      Tunnel setup: Edit -> Settings -> Tunneling, click on ``Tunnel X11 connections.''
    2. Run Exceed.
    3. Run X applications from the SSH window, for example: xterm &, or opnet &

    Second option: Using PuTTY with Exceed:
    Contributed by Chris Demwell (cdemwell at cs.sfu.ca).

    Down-load putty.exe from:
    http://www.tartarus.org/~simon/putty-snapshots/x86/putty.exe .

    1. Run PuTTY:
    2. In the PuTTY configuration window type host name in the "Host Name (or IP address)" field:
      (Example: or bast.cs.sfu.ca .)
    3. Under "Protocol" click the "SSH" button.
    4. In the "Category" window (left side of the PuTTY "Configuration window")
      -> "Connection" -> "SSH" -> "Tunnels" (the last item on the list of options).
    5. The window on the right will change. Check the first item "Enable X11 forwarding".
    6. Click "Open" (on the bottom).
      The advanced user may save these parameters so that they need not be entered each time. This is left as an exercise for the students.
      For detailed documentation see:
    7. Run Exceed
    8. Type "opnet&" in the PuTTy window.

    Third option: Using SSH and TTSSH with Cygwin/Xfree86:
    Contributed by Johnson Chen (hchenj at sfu.ca).

    To run X windows application remotely, you should have a local X server to provide the X window functionality. At the same time, since ENSC/CS machines can only be accessed via SSH, you must have an SSH client with the ability of tunneling unencrypted X window client programs (such as OPNET).
    For details, please see: http://www.cae.tntech.edu/help/unix/x11/putty_xwin32_tunnelling.

    Note, the remote operating systems in the following instructions are Windows (98/2000/NT). For other operating systems, please consult the above URL.

    A. Installation

    SSH clients:

    1. SSH Windows shell client is free: http://www.ssh.com.
      Tunnel setup: Edit -> Settings -> Tunneling, click on ``Tunnel X11 connections.''
    2. TTSSH is free: http://www.zip.com.au/~roca/ttssh.html.
      You must first install Teraterm Pro, then place TTSSH in the same directory, and run TTSSH instead of Teraterm).
      Tunnel setup: cancel the first connection screen, then Setup -> SSH Forwarding, click ``X forwarding''. (It may be a bit annoying that you will have to do this setup every time. Use SSH Shell Client instead).

    X server Cygwin/XFree86:

    1. Cygwin is the Unix environment on Windows. It is free from http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin. Simply click the right button and start installing.
    2. To install Cygwin/Xfree86, run the Cygwin's installer (the setup file you use to install Cygwin) and select the "XFree86-base" package from the "XFree86" category.
    3. If installed proporly, you should see a directory \usr\X11R6\bin, where "\" is the Cygwin installation directory (default is C:\Cygwin).

    B. Run

    1. Run Xfree86. There are several ways to run Xfree86. One way is to run "startxwin.bat" in "\usr\X11R6\bin" from WINDOWS. The other way is, in CYGWIN, type "/usr/X11R6/bin/startxwin.sh".
    2. Then, use the SSH client application (such as SSH Secure Shell Client).
    3. Run opnet. (We presume that you have already setup environment file env_db9.1 as mentioned on the course Web site.)
    4. The OPNET console will appear in the local X windows screen, just the same as if you were using the SUN machines in the labs. (Be patient, the speed depends on the ISP and the utilization of the lab machines.)

    Fourth option: Using SSH and Exceed:
    Contributed by Inas Khalifa (ikhalifa at sfu.ca).

    Required Software

    1. Tera Term: a terminal emulator for MS-Windows that supports VT100 emulation, telnet connection, etc.
    2. TTSSH: the SSH extension of Tera Term, it will enable you to connect to ENSC hosts.
    3. Exceed: an X emulator, it allows you to view X application on the Windows platform.
    1. Tera Term


    1. Go to http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA002416/teraterm.html
    2. Scroll down to "Tera Term Pro ver. 2.3 for Windows 95/NT"
    3. Click "Download (ttermp23.zip; 943,376 bytes)"
    4. When "File Download" dialog appears, select "save this file to disk", click ok.
    5. Select a temporary directory to save that file.


    1. Double-click on ttemp23.zip to extract its files to the same temporary directory (You may want to check readme.txt).
    2. If you have an older version of TeraTerm, unistall it first.
    3. Double-click on setup.exe to install.
    4. Click "continue" in all the dialog boxes that appear during installation.
    5. The program will be added to your Start Menu. Note the directory where the program is installed, e.g., C:\Program Files\TTERMPRO
    6. To make sure it has been installed correctly, run the program from the Start Menu and telnet to any of the hosts that still allow telnet, e.g., fraser.sfu.ca.
    7. Delete the temporary directory you used for downloading, you do not need it any more.
    2. TTSSH
    1. Go to http://www.zip.com.au/~roca/ttssh.html
    2. Scroll down to "How to Obtain and Install TTSSH"
    3. Click "Download the TTSSH software package"
    4. You will be directed to another page, click "USA"
    5. When "File Download" dialog appears, select "save this file to disk", click OK. (about 300k)
    6. Save the file to the directory where you installed TeraTerm, e.g., C:\Program Files\TTERMPRO


    1. Double-click on ttssh154.zip to extract its files to the same directory. This will create files libeay32.dll, ttxssh.dll and ttssh.exe.
    2. Make sure there is a copy of msvcrt.dll in your c:\Windows\system32 directory. The latest build of TTSSH requires this.
    3. Run ttssh.exe and the extension should be available, i.e. you should see a new "SSH" option in the "New Connection" dialog box.
    4. For your convenience, you may want to make a shortcut to ttssh.exe on your desktop.
    5. To be able to display remote X applications, from the Setup Menu, choose SSH forwarding.
    6. In the X Forwarding panel, check the box to the left of "Display Remote X applications on local X server".
    7. Select Save Setup from the Setup menu, so you do not have to do the above 2 steps every time.
    3. Running SSH and Exceed
    1. Run Exceed.
    2. Run ttssh.exe to connect to a remote host.
    3. Run X applications from the TTSSH window, for example: xterm & or opnet &.

    Last modified: Tue Jan 15 12:36:12 PST 2019.