VNE-Sim: A Virtual Network Embedding Simulator


Computer network virtualization and virtual network embedding (VNE) algorithms have gained significant attention in recent years. Performance evaluation of VNE algorithms mainly relies on discrete event simulations. The newly developed simulator VNE-Sim enables users to define and implement network elements possessing various resources. It also enables researchers to generate various topologies of Internet Service Provider and data center networks for evaluation of VNE algorithms. Furthermore, VNE-Sim provides the infrastructure for implementing both single and batch request processing approaches. VNE-Sim is a discrete event simulator written using the 2011 C++ standard (C++11), which introduces smart pointers and lambda functions. These new facilities of C++11 are employed in VNE-Sim. We describe here details of the VNE-Sim discrete event simulator and its compilation processes. The CMake build system is employed for compiling the code. VNE-Sim relies on several external libraries. While some required libraries are downloaded and installed automatically by CMake during the build process, others are expected to be installed prior to initiating the build process.

Download VNE-Sim

The latest version of the simulator may be downloaded from:
Alternatively, the framework may be download directly from its Git repository:

>  git clone

Compiling the Source Code

In order to build the simulator, type the following commands in the top level directory:

>  mkdir build && cd build
>  cmake .. -DWITH_FNSS_SUPPORT=off
>  make

Network Files

Archive of files with a substrate network and various embedding requests:

User Guide

VNE-Sim Tool User Guide, updated September 2019

Further Reading

For further details regarding VNE algorithms and the structure of the simulator, please refer to Chapters 4 and 5 of Soroush Haeri's dissertation, respectively.


If you have any questions related to the VNE-Sim, please contact Soroush Haeri shaeri at