Interactive MUD Demonstrations


The demos are written in Mathcad.  If you don’t have it on your computer, you can download Mathcad Explorer for with the hot button below.  Mathcad Explorer is a combined web browser and Mathcad reader.  Once you have it running, type in the URL of the home page of this MUD course, then bookmark it for convenience.  You’ll be able to view all of the course notes, just as you would with Internet Explorer or Netscape, as well as the interactive demonstrations.


·        Correlation Matrix R of the Signature Sequences.  Try different numbers of users, bits, paths and chips.  See the resulting R matrix as an array and as a surface plot.  (mcd)  (pdf)

·        BER Plots for Elementary MUD Detection (accompanies Section 2.5 of notes)  (mcd) (pdf)

·        Simulations of Antenna Combining in Multiuser Diversity (mcd) (pdf)

·        Eigenvalue Distribution of Signal and Channel Correlation Matrices (mcd) (pdf)

·        Demonstration of Triangularization by Cholesky and by Gaussian Elimination (mcd) (pdf)